© Copyright 2022 The Hord Foundation INC. All Right Reserved
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One hundred percent of all contributions to The Hord Foundation, Inc. are distributed for scholarship purposes. The Foundation’s administrative expenses, including the cost of the Annual Ball, are funded through private philanthropic and corporate support. In its First year, the Foundation awarded $42,000 in Financial aid to twenty-seven African-American high school graduates from the Greater Danbury Area.To date, after more than 20 years,the Foundation has awarded over $3.8M dollars in scholarship awards. In 2014, the Foundation and contributing organizations remained committed and awarded 89 scholarships totaling $181,000 in scholarships. Awards range from $1,000 to $5,000, depending on the scholarship recipient’s level of academic achievement and financial needs.
The mission of the Hord Foundation is to encourage and reward excellence among scholars of African descent in the greater Danbury area by providing scholarships, offering support programs, and building a connected community.
“Educate your sons and daughters, send them to school and show them that beside the cartridge box, the ballot box and the jury box, you have also the knowledge box.”
Frederick Douglass
© Copyright 2022 The Hord Foundation INC. All Right Reserved
Website Design by Mack Media