Scholarship Reception

Scholarship Awards Reception

The Scholarship Award Reception takes place in late spring or early summer of each year. The Hord Foundation and collaborating community and business scholarship sponsors acknowledge the applicants who have successfully competed to receive a scholarship and be named a Hord Foundation Scholar. The family of each recipient is invited and a general invitation is extended to the community at-large. The Foundation also recognizes Hord Scholarship recipients at the recipient’s local public school’s senior awards night activity.

Event Characteristics

Banquet hall setting, appropriately decorated; nationally recognized speaker; printed certificates; gifts to recipient; entertainment; refreshment buffet; addresses from the Foundation’s Chairman of the Board of Trustees and The Foundation’s founder.

Benefits to the Student

  • Public recognition of accomplishment
  • Practice public etiquette and engagement skills

Benefits to The Hord Foundation

  • Provides evidence to donor of Hord stewardship
  • Reinforces a sense of community
  • Opportunity to appreciate current donors and solicit new donors
  • Establishes recipients pledge to contribute to The Foundation and/or to others

Schedule: Annually | Event Attendance: 400-450 guests and recipients